Saturday Morning



                  as I

                  embrace reality accept others

                  and                                                                                                            savor

                  the interchangeable play:


                  move bonsai - sense being

                  expose roots - understand self

                  return bonsai - grow attention

                  water - count in head

                  pinch dead buds - hold breath

                  weed - root out negative emothoughts

                  lock a gate - open humor’s door

                  sit on ass - perceive light

                  eat fries, feed dogs - share pleasure

                  mirror a child’s glance - inexhale wonder



                  in the geniegeniusgenital

                  spiralspinal diamond pulse,



                  bloom into a translucent

                  simultaneous beingdoing

                  and I                                                                                                      real eyes



                  the sweated brow

                  cool drink

                  sea air

                  color of roses

                  and a

                  black raven’s primal crow

                  atop a church steeple cross,


                  my mind’s breadthbreath



                  than the                                                                                          nascent sky.


