David Daniels lives in Berkeley, CA. He has been making words out of pictures and pictures out of words for over 60 years. He is a common person. He is as common as dirt and grass.  From the plumb of his wine dark mind cellar here is a taste of each year of his life.


1933 1949 1962 1963 1973 1982 1992  
1934 1950 ANTO I 1964 1974 1983 1993  
1935 1951 ANTO II 1965 1975 1984 1994  
1936 1952 ANTO III 1966 1976 1985 1995  
1937 1953 ANTO IV 1967 1977 1986 1996  
1938 1954 ANTO V 1968 1978 1987 1997  
1939 1955 ANTO VI 1969 1979 1988 1998  
1940 1956 ANTO VII 1970 1980 1989 1999  
1941 1957 1971 1981 1990 2000  
1942 1958 1972 1991 2001
1943 1959 2002
1944 1960
1945 1961
1947 2133

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